Our vision is to publish the highest quality art, photography and poetry online from all talented artists, photographers and poets, especially those in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, as well as from those with a connection to the Monterey Peninsula. Currently, the Monterey Poetry Review publishes two issues a year.
The volunteer staff of the Monterey Poetry Review:
Dr. Jennifer Lagier – Managing Editor & Webmaster
Kate Aver Avraham -- Associate Editor
Laura Bayless -- Associate Editor
Belen Arellano – Graphic Web Design
The volunteer staff of the Monterey Poetry Review:
Dr. Jennifer Lagier – Managing Editor & Webmaster
Kate Aver Avraham -- Associate Editor
Laura Bayless -- Associate Editor
Belen Arellano – Graphic Web Design
Submissions & Guidelines
Email submissions only:
1. Submission Periods: Spring - October 1 through December 31. Fall - May 1 - July 1. The theme for the Fall 2025 issue is Transitions. Please submit only once during a submission period.
2. What to submit: Up to three photographs, digital artworks or poems during open submission periods relating to the theme listed on our home page. Previously published poems are considered, provided the poet has retained rights to the work and includes credit to acknowledge the original publisher.
3. Mandatory: The poems and third person bio should be submitted in a single document as an
attached Word file (.doc), (.docx), (.rtf) or pasted into the body of an email sent to the address shown below. Please do not send PDFs! Format your poems and bio using Times Roman size 12 font, titles in bold, work left justified. Do not use all capital letters for titles or center work on the page.
4. Optional: You may submit a photo and/or short third person bio notes of 100 words or less. Artwork and photos may be sent as individual .jpg or .gif format files.
5. Email to: [email protected]
6. In the subject line, include your last name, SUBMISSION, and whether you are sending poems, art, photos. (i.e.: Lagier, SUBMISSION, poetry)
7. Please allow 8-12 weeks for a response.
1. Submission Periods: Spring - October 1 through December 31. Fall - May 1 - July 1. The theme for the Fall 2025 issue is Transitions. Please submit only once during a submission period.
2. What to submit: Up to three photographs, digital artworks or poems during open submission periods relating to the theme listed on our home page. Previously published poems are considered, provided the poet has retained rights to the work and includes credit to acknowledge the original publisher.
3. Mandatory: The poems and third person bio should be submitted in a single document as an
attached Word file (.doc), (.docx), (.rtf) or pasted into the body of an email sent to the address shown below. Please do not send PDFs! Format your poems and bio using Times Roman size 12 font, titles in bold, work left justified. Do not use all capital letters for titles or center work on the page.
4. Optional: You may submit a photo and/or short third person bio notes of 100 words or less. Artwork and photos may be sent as individual .jpg or .gif format files.
5. Email to: [email protected]
6. In the subject line, include your last name, SUBMISSION, and whether you are sending poems, art, photos. (i.e.: Lagier, SUBMISSION, poetry)
7. Please allow 8-12 weeks for a response.