Aurore noire
L éternité au creux de la main
invisible torrent
règne de conscience
chemin de chair
lèvre d infini
souffle l osmose du chaos
Première étoile
Morsure du serpent
Fin du sommeil
éveil du dragon.
souffle de vie
incarnation de la source
lumière invisible
force de gravité
invisible torrent
première étoile
Aurore noire
Black dawn
eternity in the hand’s cup
invisible torrent
reign of conscience
path of flesh
lips: infinite
breathe it, chaos’ osmosis
first star
snake’s teeth
sleep’s end
dragon’s rising.
life’s inhale
incarnation of the source
invisible light
gravity’s power
invisible torrent
first star
black dawn
La surface de l’eau
L’étendue de mon désir piège l’espace
Et le rêve devient pierre
L’immatériel ondule les inclinaisons de la roche
Et l âme sculpte la montagne
Quand l’amour ouvre le champ des possibles
La raison assassine la transcendance
Quand la foudre ouvre la voie
La lave soigne l’unité fragmentée
Le miroir tangible des effets vibratoires
L’alchimie concrète
Piège de particule et source immortelle
La surface de l’eau chuchote une langue magique
Celle d’avant la grammaire qui mortifie l’essence
Et change les enfants en marchands de sommeil.
The surface of the water
My desire, listening, captures space,
And each dream becomes a pebble:
The immaterial flutters each rock’s angle
And the soul sculpts mountains.
When love opens the waiting fields,
Reason murders transcendence.
When lightning opens the path,
It’s lava that tends our bond and its fragments.
The tangible mirror of vibrating effects
Concrete alchemy
Trap of particles, immortal source.
The face of the water murmurs with a magic tongue
From before grammar shamed essence,
And transforms children to sleepwalkers.
Bascule aux songes
Bascule aux songes
Perles d’œil medium
Vagues d’ondes stellaires.
Une lumière approche, une étoile s’avance.
Le ciel était si grand et mon corps immatériel
De l’incendie au ruisseau,
Je vendange le fond de mon âme.
Seesaw, dream-scale
Seesaw, dream-scale,
Pearls of a medium eye,
Stellar waves.
A light, a star advances.
The sky is so grand and my body, immaterial.
From the stream’s inferno,
I harvest the depths of my soul.
Fendre le ciel
Fendre le ciel de toute son âme
Comme une pierre siffle le miroir de l’océan
Par le gouffre, le tintement alchimique devient cristal
Le rythme d’un coeur qui tambourine la danse des étoiles
Flotte surface sur mon corps voile tympan
Grâce à l’étoile, je devine l’orient
Enduit de miel, un masque d’or sur la nuque
Les mains vides, les pieds en marche verticale
Split the sky
Split the sky with all your soul
Like a pebble mirrors ocean-song.
Chasm-side, the alchemic tint goes crystal:
Rhythm of a heart that tambourines for the stars’ dance.
Water breaks over my veiled body, my eardrums.
By a star’s grace, I guess at west:
It’s honey-painted, a gold mask on its neck.
Its hands are empty, its feet on a vertical stroll.
Les yeux au fond du puit
Les yeux au fond du puit
Bagarrent les flammes chantées par une cage d’oiseaux marchands d’escargots
La nuit chaude tisse une toison d’étoiles
Un gladiateur mourant habite ma demeure
Mes pieds bouillonnent un torrent de pensées et d’écume
Un cortège de sabliers me percent chaque oreille.
At the bottom of a well
At the bottom of a well, eyes
Battle the flames sung up by a cage of birds, snail-sellers.
The hot night spins a fleece of stars;
A dying gladiator inhabits my house.
My feet stir up a bubbling torrent: thoughts and foam.
A procession of timers pierces me, each ear.
Jean-Noel Chazelle is a French Artist living in PARIS. He works on multiple supports (Paintings, Sculptures, Performances, Installations) and various media (Photos, Movies, Sound). After 7 years of performances in Cledalique Gallery created by Salvador Dali and Miette in Cadaques in the north of Spain, and encouraged by Teeny Duchamp, he returned to painting and begun to experiment the acrylic paint on plexiglass in 1997. He went to the United States after his first exhibition at Sacha Tarassof who associated him with Support Surface. Jean Noel has a museum in Massachussetts, Noama, located in front of MassMoca. He has integrated numerous collections: the one of the DeRosa family that belongs to Guggenheim, the Bob and Mary Decelles collection in Miami, the Bo Peabody collection in NY, the Carole Levy collection in Los Angeles, the one of Joel Cohen, Claude Klotz in Paris. He was the last Artist to integrate the Joseph Nahmad collection. His first Poetry book "Star-Blood" was edited by Poet Republik in California and sold out. In October 2019 he exhibited in Berlin and read his Poems in front of the William S Buroughs Estate, The Allen Ginsberg Trust and the Henry Miller Foundation at Sprechsaal Gallery. The second Poetry Book "Pearl Eye Medium" will be Out in October 2021, still edited by Poet Republik.
Aurore noire
L éternité au creux de la main
invisible torrent
règne de conscience
chemin de chair
lèvre d infini
souffle l osmose du chaos
Première étoile
Morsure du serpent
Fin du sommeil
éveil du dragon.
souffle de vie
incarnation de la source
lumière invisible
force de gravité
invisible torrent
première étoile
Aurore noire
Black dawn
eternity in the hand’s cup
invisible torrent
reign of conscience
path of flesh
lips: infinite
breathe it, chaos’ osmosis
first star
snake’s teeth
sleep’s end
dragon’s rising.
life’s inhale
incarnation of the source
invisible light
gravity’s power
invisible torrent
first star
black dawn
La surface de l’eau
L’étendue de mon désir piège l’espace
Et le rêve devient pierre
L’immatériel ondule les inclinaisons de la roche
Et l âme sculpte la montagne
Quand l’amour ouvre le champ des possibles
La raison assassine la transcendance
Quand la foudre ouvre la voie
La lave soigne l’unité fragmentée
Le miroir tangible des effets vibratoires
L’alchimie concrète
Piège de particule et source immortelle
La surface de l’eau chuchote une langue magique
Celle d’avant la grammaire qui mortifie l’essence
Et change les enfants en marchands de sommeil.
The surface of the water
My desire, listening, captures space,
And each dream becomes a pebble:
The immaterial flutters each rock’s angle
And the soul sculpts mountains.
When love opens the waiting fields,
Reason murders transcendence.
When lightning opens the path,
It’s lava that tends our bond and its fragments.
The tangible mirror of vibrating effects
Concrete alchemy
Trap of particles, immortal source.
The face of the water murmurs with a magic tongue
From before grammar shamed essence,
And transforms children to sleepwalkers.
Bascule aux songes
Bascule aux songes
Perles d’œil medium
Vagues d’ondes stellaires.
Une lumière approche, une étoile s’avance.
Le ciel était si grand et mon corps immatériel
De l’incendie au ruisseau,
Je vendange le fond de mon âme.
Seesaw, dream-scale
Seesaw, dream-scale,
Pearls of a medium eye,
Stellar waves.
A light, a star advances.
The sky is so grand and my body, immaterial.
From the stream’s inferno,
I harvest the depths of my soul.
Fendre le ciel
Fendre le ciel de toute son âme
Comme une pierre siffle le miroir de l’océan
Par le gouffre, le tintement alchimique devient cristal
Le rythme d’un coeur qui tambourine la danse des étoiles
Flotte surface sur mon corps voile tympan
Grâce à l’étoile, je devine l’orient
Enduit de miel, un masque d’or sur la nuque
Les mains vides, les pieds en marche verticale
Split the sky
Split the sky with all your soul
Like a pebble mirrors ocean-song.
Chasm-side, the alchemic tint goes crystal:
Rhythm of a heart that tambourines for the stars’ dance.
Water breaks over my veiled body, my eardrums.
By a star’s grace, I guess at west:
It’s honey-painted, a gold mask on its neck.
Its hands are empty, its feet on a vertical stroll.
Les yeux au fond du puit
Les yeux au fond du puit
Bagarrent les flammes chantées par une cage d’oiseaux marchands d’escargots
La nuit chaude tisse une toison d’étoiles
Un gladiateur mourant habite ma demeure
Mes pieds bouillonnent un torrent de pensées et d’écume
Un cortège de sabliers me percent chaque oreille.
At the bottom of a well
At the bottom of a well, eyes
Battle the flames sung up by a cage of birds, snail-sellers.
The hot night spins a fleece of stars;
A dying gladiator inhabits my house.
My feet stir up a bubbling torrent: thoughts and foam.
A procession of timers pierces me, each ear.
Jean-Noel Chazelle is a French Artist living in PARIS. He works on multiple supports (Paintings, Sculptures, Performances, Installations) and various media (Photos, Movies, Sound). After 7 years of performances in Cledalique Gallery created by Salvador Dali and Miette in Cadaques in the north of Spain, and encouraged by Teeny Duchamp, he returned to painting and begun to experiment the acrylic paint on plexiglass in 1997. He went to the United States after his first exhibition at Sacha Tarassof who associated him with Support Surface. Jean Noel has a museum in Massachussetts, Noama, located in front of MassMoca. He has integrated numerous collections: the one of the DeRosa family that belongs to Guggenheim, the Bob and Mary Decelles collection in Miami, the Bo Peabody collection in NY, the Carole Levy collection in Los Angeles, the one of Joel Cohen, Claude Klotz in Paris. He was the last Artist to integrate the Joseph Nahmad collection. His first Poetry book "Star-Blood" was edited by Poet Republik in California and sold out. In October 2019 he exhibited in Berlin and read his Poems in front of the William S Buroughs Estate, The Allen Ginsberg Trust and the Henry Miller Foundation at Sprechsaal Gallery. The second Poetry Book "Pearl Eye Medium" will be Out in October 2021, still edited by Poet Republik.