She plays an hour without her hands
Touching the instrument, a vintage
Therimin, at least a hundred years old.
Her right hand controlling the pitch,
Her left hand controlling the volume,
Producing eerie melodic sounds,
An electronic celebration of music demystified.
B-flat, about 57 octaves below middle C
The sound a black hole
Creates inside
The outer boundary
Of the event horizon
As it spawns another universe.
Victor Henry's poetry and prose poems have appeared in small press magazines, anthologies, and e-zines, such as Slipstream; The Paterson Literary Review; Nobody Gets Off The Bus: The Viet Nam Generation Big Book; Vietnam War Poetry; The Homestead Review; Red River Review; The Monterey Poetry Review; The Porter Gulch Review; Dead Snakes; and Misfitmagazine, among others. His book of Vietnam poetry, What They Wanted, was published by Future Cycle Press.
She plays an hour without her hands
Touching the instrument, a vintage
Therimin, at least a hundred years old.
Her right hand controlling the pitch,
Her left hand controlling the volume,
Producing eerie melodic sounds,
An electronic celebration of music demystified.
B-flat, about 57 octaves below middle C
The sound a black hole
Creates inside
The outer boundary
Of the event horizon
As it spawns another universe.
Victor Henry's poetry and prose poems have appeared in small press magazines, anthologies, and e-zines, such as Slipstream; The Paterson Literary Review; Nobody Gets Off The Bus: The Viet Nam Generation Big Book; Vietnam War Poetry; The Homestead Review; Red River Review; The Monterey Poetry Review; The Porter Gulch Review; Dead Snakes; and Misfitmagazine, among others. His book of Vietnam poetry, What They Wanted, was published by Future Cycle Press.