Vietnam Peace Moratorium
(Monterey, November 15, 1969)
We soldiers held the high ground
Above Monterey, sometimes
Above the clouds, where we
Spoke in tongues, that we
Were daily taught. The very first
Day I wrote on my notebook,
On the cover, MIP, “peace”, and
Asked how to say, “I am a friend,
Do not shoot.” A fine thing we
Monterey Mary’s, enlisted draft-
Dodgers. Such were the times,
The zeitgeist, that I could shed
My uniform for civvies and let
Gravity draw me down the hill
To stand, anonymous, in the dark
To hold a flickering candle, one among
Many, silent except for being there.
Bruce Morton divides his time between Montana and Arizona. He was stationed at Presidio Monterey (1969-1970).
(Monterey, November 15, 1969)
We soldiers held the high ground
Above Monterey, sometimes
Above the clouds, where we
Spoke in tongues, that we
Were daily taught. The very first
Day I wrote on my notebook,
On the cover, MIP, “peace”, and
Asked how to say, “I am a friend,
Do not shoot.” A fine thing we
Monterey Mary’s, enlisted draft-
Dodgers. Such were the times,
The zeitgeist, that I could shed
My uniform for civvies and let
Gravity draw me down the hill
To stand, anonymous, in the dark
To hold a flickering candle, one among
Many, silent except for being there.
Bruce Morton divides his time between Montana and Arizona. He was stationed at Presidio Monterey (1969-1970).